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Global Racing Test Feedback


  • TwonaticTwonatic
    KartRider: Drift Rep: 110
    Post: 1
    edited 1:15PM September 4, 2022
    - The Mailbox feels redundant, I'd rather be able to get the items from events directly rather than having to go through another menu.
    - Being able to skip all the victory animations after a race would be nice, it would make going back into the game a lot smoother.

    - I'm actually pretty impressed with the customization options with the karts, both with stats and cosmetics. Being able to take any kart you want and make it better feels nice.
    - I'd like to see the ability to sort my karts in the garage, either manually by favoriting certain karts or by rarity.
    - As said before, having only a chance to upgrade your kart feels really bad. I bought the Taxi pack this morning and tried to upgrade it and ended up spending half my Lucci and it still isn't Legendary despite the 25% (which should be 1/4).
    I think either having that number going up eventually guaranteeing a 100% chance of upgrading, or just paying more to ensure an upgrade as someone else suggested would be much better, if you're intending to keep that system at the very least.
    - I wouldn't mind seeing stuff similar to the Special Patterns you unlock after you upgrade to Legendary in the Shop, for further customization.
    - I also liked having the Battle Pass being decently rewarding even if you didn't pay for it. I understand it was mostly for the sake of the playtest though, so while I'm not holding my breath I'd be more inclined to support the game so long as its relatively generous.

    - Game plays nice generally, main issue is with drifting. It feels a bit clunky, and while I can get past that, the Instant Boost mechanic doesn't really feel all that great?
    - Main issue with Instant Boost is that it just feels annoying to pull off consistently. There's no way to tell how long you need to drift to even use it, the timing feels a bit too tight and the visual feedback (which to my understanding is when the skid marks disappears) isn't all that good.
    Maybe do something with the sparks, or have the tires glow when it's ready (similarly to Crash Team Racing) would go a long way to improve that imo.
    (Small edit: What I say here only applies to the Instant Boost you do if you turn off Auto Boost or play the License missions.)

    - As said before, locking features like speed mode and turning off Drift Assist, as well as a large portion of the tracks in this game feels really bad.
    - The minigames with items I think are relatively fine, but the drift tutorials requiring you to do more than what you're being taught to get 3 stars on feels like a chore. I don't think items should be locked behind these at the very least.
    - The duels also don't feel all that good. The dummies being at a set speed rather than racing like you do makes it feel like you're fighting the game rather than an experienced racer, and these tend to be very technical.
    - My point being that on top of being tedious, the game as it is just doesn't feel all that friendly towards newcomers, shunning them away to what feels like a kiddie pool if they don't learn very technical driving techniques.

    - I had a similar bug to Spadge up there where the map just didn't load. I didn't get footage or screenshots sadly, but I remember it being the one Glacier map with obstacles on the road near the beginning. The one map you didn't want to play with JUST the minimap basically.
  • liquidsin74liquidsin74
    KartRider: Drift Rep: 130
    Posts: 7
    Smallerbee wrote: »
    Hey Racers!

    We're excited for you to hit the track for our Global Racing Test! We're so happy to finally be sharing KartRider: Drift with you all again, but as always we need your help! This thread will be for any general feedback or suggestions about KartRider: Drift.

    You guys took so long for another beta test and the game feels so bad it's disgusting. NEXON should have made Rush the port for all platforms or at least given us old kartrider which is 50 times better than this game. The controls feel horrible. I don't get what you tried to do with the physics, when you accelerate, the kart feels stiff. The lobby? what lobby? Its feels empty and sad like a solo offline game. Cant chat, which is a big downturn considering how social Kart Rider is. I played it yesterday and got nothing but bots. The license system is weird and again, Im not sure what are you aiming for. I'll just keep playing rush because that game feels like the original kartrider. Such disappointment. waiting over 3 years for this crap.
  • wigitime78wigitime78
    KartRider: Drift Rep: 100
    Posts: 2
    -Don't hide the option to remove bots (I don't think many people knew they had to go to Play Match, then click Options to toggle off PLAY WITH AI. Most people like to play without BOTs. Matchmaking without bots should be the default.
    -It would be cool to have a chat feature before the race and after the race, like how it was in the original game. It's always fun to talk to other racers.
    -It would be great to have players create rooms and join them, instead of getting queued up in matchmaking server, because the lobby right now feels dead, you are not connected with other players, it makes the game feel empty. The ability to create rooms and have a host and wait for everyone to ready up in order to start the race like how it was in the original game was great.

    -There is a stats screen after each race that you can only view for a second or two before the screen transitions you back to the lobby. I like to look at stats so having more time on the stats screen would be great.
    -You should get bonus exp and lucci when your team gets a Perfect across the finish line (every racer on the same team finishes the race consecutively from 1st to fourth, or 1st to Second). In the original game you would get a bonus if your team achieved this.

    -Not a big issue, but it became redundant each time you would claim an award, then you need to go to your mailbox to actually receive it - this felt like an extra step that is unnecessary

    - Don't lock modes behind licenses. If anything, put a recommendation on for each license for each stage or mode.
  • United_95United_95
    Post: 1
    edited 7:15AM September 6, 2022

    a) Overall, I think there is so much room for improvement. Other users have mentioned the difficulty to take corners easily, and the legendary upgrade system seems to be on a chance basis.

    b) The licenses are a big hassle to get thru, especially just to unlock 'turn off drift assist'. Though it is thoughtful to have speed gates, it just hinders the ability of new users to be creative in drifting. The controls for handling the kart need to be adjusted, as it feels too heavy to turn. We are having to press drift a bit longer to turn even deeper.

    c) The nitro gauge seems to charge only when we counter steer it back to a straight. If we double drift to turn quicker around a corner, it never charges at all. It should charge as a usual drift, as it can be an incentive for users to try this skill in the game, making it more competitive. Speed races can be won and lost in these corners.

    d) Item races have been fun to try, but maybe it would be great if the quick boosts are easily improved in these races. To do a quick boost, one needs to drift quickly and counter steer. Maybe for item races, a quick boost feature where the user would be able to tap the screen on mobile phones, and a similar way on consoles and PCs, would be encouraged.


    a) Yes, the sound effects are louder than the music, and the more we are on the menu, the more repetitive it gets.

    b) The mailbox is not a great way to claim gifts. Better to have the ability to claim as soon as we receive them. Having a full mailbox may be troublesome, if we forgot to claim, as we cannot receive the newer gifts.

    c) The tracks and roads look great. But maybe allow users to filter the tracks through themes like Mine, Desert, etc, for easy navigation. The custom race section should really have this, even Time Attack as well. Also, Time Attack should have the ability to view our time trials, and the ones on the server and friends. By watching, users can learn a thing or two about new skills.

    d) The decal and paint sections are a great idea, as it is something more creative and worth the time. But the problem with that section is that the game's frame rate gets even lower as we are creating decals and new paint jobs. The team has to fix the issue on the graphics involving this particular section because other areas have been smooth.
  • DarthTaderDarthTader
    Post: 1
    Having to send items to the mail before claiming them seems a little needless.
    Having to do license tests to turn off drift assist was annoying and would like the option to turn it off at anytime.
    Drifting still feels a little too "sticky" for my liking. Meaning I feel the tires are to grippy and slow you down way to much when taking a drift. This could be fixed by adding different typed of tires like "low grip tires" for more sliding with less speed reduction. That could be balanced with having racing slick tires for more grip and higher top speeds to counter the "low grip tires."
    Racing and drifting alike feel too slow to me. I feel like im barely moving even at top speed. My kart speed max upgraded too.
  • StephyStephy
    Post: 1
    Je ne vais pas répéter les commentaires qui ont déjà été fait. Juste le fait qu'il manque cruellement de sensations de vitesse. Je ressens un certain ennui au bout d'un moment. J'ai l'impression que ça ne va pas vite et du coup je ressens une certaine lassitude. Même avec des améliorations légendaire, le Kart paraît tout mou. J'ai aussi l'impression que les drift ne sert pas à grand-chose, je m'en sors beaucoup mieux à gérer les virages surtout avec cette faible vitesse. J'adore ce jeu je trouve qu'il a énormément de potentiel mais j'ai peur que ce détail limite considérablement l'attrait des joueurs à la longue.
    KartRider: Drift Rep: 400
    Posts: 3
    It would be better if the map during the race were displayed in full, so I can see how far I am from other players!
  • KushKush
    Post: 1
    I think the game is really fun and that we need a game like this. few tweaks here and there yea, but ive seen this game on my nexon launchers for years on years can it finally be ready to plan. i played it for the first ttime and really liked it . please add handling onto the Karts stats to make it more fun. PLEASE RELEASE THE GAME SOON
  • MrPlinkettMrPlinkett
    Post: 1
    Twonatic wrote: »
    - As said before, locking features like speed mode and turning off Drift Assist, as well as a large portion of the tracks in this game feels really bad.
    Kartrider always locked up tracks behind licenses so newbies don't play a track that's way beyond their skill level like Cosmic Canyon or Ski Resort, though I'm not sure if this works in a matchmaking system like this with no room system. Locking Speed Mode behind licenses however is pretty bad since not everyone wants to play Item Mode unless necessary.
  • PolioNortePolioNorte
    KartRider: Drift Rep: 100
    Posts: 2
    So, after waiting 2 or 3 years since I've seen this game for the first time ("Hardware issues" XD), finally could play on the global racing test, so these are my thoughts:

    Firstly is noticeable the efforts from the team to bring a highly refined game before a full release with these betas, very well done for the development team : v

    Now about my gameplay:

    - The game seems to be "right at the point", just open and play, probably was the best choice for a competitive game, nothing that I would like to change, despite to be like other games (or "less original") like Fall Guys or Pokémon Unite

    - For a highly arcade race game, was very fun to race on both modes, from casual to "pro" players. Every power up and every scenario was really easy to learn for the first time and still requires a lot of practice to get a better win ratio, a lot of strategies can be made only with few items because they are unique. So only with the content from this open beta can be fun because they were well made.

    - The "Premium content" seems to be pretty fair for a F2P game, since its locked to cosmetics, but maybe can be very hard to farm the standard coins only with the normal battle pass and race rewards only to try to upgrade your kart, and repeat for every new kart you want to use. It's hard to say something more precise since this beta could get the both coins for free, so i'm saying with the current rewards for every race and the battle pass at max level.

    - The kart upgrade mechanic seems a bit useless, I think in the final game you must pay a pretty high coin amount to upgrade it at max level. Maybe i can be wrong, but i can't see a very huge difference from a "level zero" kart to a max level during a race. It seems like a "lock" between new karts instead of a "strategic mechanic". What I want to say is, if you put 1 less point in a stat to improve another, will not be decisive on 99.9% of the races, and its against the "pure cosmetic" aspect from the karts.

    - Every graphical UI was very well polished, I can't see myself lost on any menu during these days, and on few hours I already knew where was most buttons, unlike some popular MMORPGs or mobile games, where the HUD is very polluted and/or occupied. Nothing that I would like to change here.

    - The musics and SFX maybe see repetitive, even using FMOD (that would be a solution for "repetitive SFXs", but seems to not be very very well used), and they default volume was super high near to any other desktop program. For a first gameplay, all compositions seems to be "good to great", but maybe can be annoying after months or years playing.

    - I got some "minor priority" bugs during these days (Without any effect on the gameplay) like the character don't do the kart riding animation on lobby if I press to play right after loading, or on any match, with the voice chat off, I can hear some players for like "0.1" seconds before they are muted. But only in 1 race I've fallen to the void after hitting the barrier and using the shield right after it.

    - The built-in achievements system seems a pretty generic for most of them, without any very special rewards to get a achievement that would take like a full year. At this state, I'm not encouraged to get then because they are more about grind than challenge, and these stickers are not very very pretty to place at my kart

    - About every 3D model designs, the game has a unique art style with these characters and scenarios, and they are very comfortable to look, but that's a very personal though, I only hope to get some crazy costumes (Maybe a character with a Polar Bear suit please? : p )

    Well, I can't spend more time on this game and on this post since I need to do things to my college (at final year, so there is a LOT of work here) that i can't even review lots of "english issues" here, lol, but certainly will play at final release, and thanks for letting me play, even for like 6 days.
  • TrippyOwlTrippyOwl
    KartRider: Drift Rep: 300
    Posts: 2
    edited 10:54PM September 6, 2022
    I played the game quite a bit during the entire playtesting time. A lot of the points I'm going to touch up on that need improving will relate to the experiences I had in it.
    First of all being, the long queue times, which as others stated is most likely caused by the default race mode being Bots.
    Because of this, I spent a good chunk in the license mode at first trying to get a perfect record the best I can. A lot of them aren't very enjoyable, and suggest you play in a way that is counter-intuitive to how you'd never go about doing it. You also shouldn't lock a majority of the playable maps behind the Licenses. Or drift assist being able to be turned off. It's extremely annoying to have an assist that auto-corrects your movement vs. you being able to gain muscle memory. You have to jump through multiple hoops to be able to play the game fully and that really doesn't match with the playerbase for a racing game who I imagine would just rather jump in, and play with full control of their movement, and experience the full variety of maps the game has to offer. There needs to be a better middle line.
    I didn't end up playing a lot of speed mode, and rather focused my time on Item mode which is where I enjoy the game the most, and I have to say the changes they made to item mode made it feel a lot less fun to play. Removing the 1. Missle, Cloud, 3 Bananas, and the Demon takes more variety away from the items you can pick up in the item game mode. This meant players had a bigger chance to get certain items consistently. In one game I had played, I ended up taking the lead, and without fail each and every time I would get the Alien on me. This happened 6 or 7 times that game, almost immediately after taking the lead. I only got one Alien blocker that entire time. More variety in items makes it more enjoyable, and prevents a situation where you're being slowed to the back of the pack if you decide to take the lead once.
    Would also like the shield to be time based and block multiple projectiles for the length you have it activated on, it's frustrating to have one shield and hear that you're being locked on by two missiles that you'd have previously been able to block both if you time it just right. It removes a bit of skill expression that you could have had previously in item mode.

    An additional point I'd like to mention is also more decal slots for customizing your car. Let people get really creative, you've already upped that with the ability to change the cars color. I'd love to see some really wild designs. One of the people I raced again had a rainbow paint splattered toilet and that was gorgeous. More options the better.
  • Blaues_DingBlaues_Ding
    KartRider: Drift Rep: 1,255
    Posts: 63
    - I wasn't able to log in on my android device all the time (!TOY... notice) :-(
    - on PC the cursor is visible while racing
    - latency: if I'm or others are lagging, the weapon sound should take the normal time berfore I get hit (can't use a shield for defence if there's no warning sound)

    - Will players be able to enter the game lobby again? The only time I was in the game lobby was when I created a new race. But without anyone else being able to interact with...
    The social/chat feature needs to come back (otherwise the emotions are useless as well)!

    - There should be an option to fill up free slots with KI if it tooks too long to get 8 drivers. Maybe after a set time or on behalf of the lobby leader.

    - The race results are shown very shortly.
    Maybe you should reduce the podium time...
  • SmallerbeeSmallerbee
    KartRider: Drift Rep: 1,060
    Posts: 263
    Member, Administrator, Moderator, Nexon
    Thank you everyone for your feedback! We got a lot of great information, and a lot of really helpful bug reports. We look forward to bringing you an even better experience soon!
    Post: 1
    Hey! This KartRider drift is so great and it brought me back to the summer in 2007 when I first started playing it. One suggestion - I really really missed the Gloves (equivalent to levels) in KartRider. I was hoping you can add that back to the game. Right now it only displays my level in numbers but I really really want the Gloves with different colors. I believe a lot of other players want that back too. Hope you can consider adding that back! Thanks!
  • KuroJetKuroJet
    KartRider: Drift Rep: 100
    Post: 1
    The only complaint I had about this Beta was the Matchmaking being borked. Super long queue times, but also I want the quick escape to go back to the left/right/wiggle input. The mash really makes it hard to time the recovery boost.

    The matchmaking problem can get fixed by making it so bots can't appear in matchmaking (really, who wants this?), but quick escape is really an issue. That should not locked behind a button command, it should be a wiggle free.
  • Citysc4peCitysc4pe
    KartRider: Drift Rep: 310
    Posts: 7
    On top of us not liking being stuck with item races and assisted driving without the licenses, I don't like being forced to play as a designated character during the license missions. They're not going to be as fun if you like so-and-so more than Dao.
  • fiendishCatfishfiendishCatfish
    Post: 1
    Since rating a game requires something to compare it with, let's choose the closest comparison, out of fairness: the original PC release of KartRider. How about the unfinished US "beta" you "spent" time on in 2007 and 2008 and canceled without any word to a huge community that built up around it.

    Yet, even compared to that, this "remake" is a disgrace. It is soulless (no chat / social interactivity), bland (graphics), empty (content), generic (music), and excessively error-prone (for being "developed" since 6+ years). Stop shoehorning cross-platform "capability" into the game, creating laggy, forever-loading, and disconnecting players, ruining whatever is left of the forgettable experience. Even if M$ injected their bucks for a downwashed Xbox-playable adjustment of your original concepts, as they already have better fun racers by now. Stop shoehorning meaningless (no story, no themes) or cringy-overs*xualized (questionable mobile loading screen videos) characters into it. Stop shoehorning "matchmaking" instead of a lobby into it, you've shown in other versions of the game you're not capable of it.

    It feels like you've absolutely lost track of what this game is missing and what it needs, repeating the same problems in every "beta" over (CBT1: broken matchmaking) and over (CBT2: broken matchmaking) and over (CBT3: broken matchmaking) and over (OBT1: broken matchmaking) again. Nobody wants to wait 5+ minutes on a game or play against bots; and you've - quite dramatically impressive - managed to match people _only_ against the latter in the recent "beta" due to a massively faulty and untested default configuration and server system (or did you just misunderstand the term "CBT"? Please explain.).
    Instead, parts are being polished that are already polished (couldn't have come up with more repetitive and useless license tests), bad things are not getting better (how did you manage yet another atrocious UI rewamp?), new things are broken (thanks for the "muted" voice chat earr*pe at every race start) and rotten parts are left to rot (stiff physics and collisions).
    Fire your surplus graphics artists (who cares about even more outfits or karts just differing in looks and not specs?) and data analysts (who cares about which character is preferred in which region in your pathetic fill-in blog posts you've luckily deleted by now?) and hire actual _experienced_ gameplay programmers and content planners.
    But maybe you just wanted to show yourself you can create slightly more than the example project in UE4, given how proudly you nag with its unskippable logo on startup for no reason (I wonder if Epic would tell you to remove it if they'd saw it, just to not be associated with this mess). Congratulations, in this case, you've "delivered".

    For once, I hope this English localization of KartRider meets the fate of your first one or I'll have to explain a lot to my friends I recommended it to when I still thought it would be at least half as great as the original experience. Who'd judge them for uninstalling the game after one hour of headshaking-induced neck problems and justified screams for wanting to "play Mario Kart instead, it's fun at least". At this point, your game isn't struggling for players, it is struggling for salvation. Don't get me wrong, I really tried to think of something nice to say about this weird thing that shamelessly calls itself "KartRider", but I just couldn't.
  • StarfireStarfire
    KartRider: Drift Rep: 200
    Posts: 3
    edited 12:41AM January 12, 2023
    Does anybody have idea if this is permament or for hrs? recently i have bad connection and got disconnected, but when i open the game again i got this message

    "You have restricted from accessing the game due to terms violations.
    Please see the reason listed below.

    Reason: Abnormal Gameplay Record"
  • SmallerbeeSmallerbee
    KartRider: Drift Rep: 1,060
    Posts: 263
    Member, Administrator, Moderator, Nexon
    Starfire wrote: »
    Does anybody have idea if this is permament or for hrs? recently i have bad connection and got disconnected, but when i open the game again i got this message

    "You have restricted from accessing the game due to terms violations.
    Please see the reason listed below.

    Reason: Abnormal Gameplay Record"

    Hi there, you'll have to submit a ticket on our support website.
  • biibiiabiibiia
    KartRider: Drift Rep: 100
    Posts: 3
    I need an upgrade system