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[SPOILER ALERT] My Feed Back of the Closed BETA

KartRider: Drift Rep: 880
Posts: 119
First of all what an AMAZING looking Remastered Kart Rider game!
I was excited to see the changes and here are my feedback/thoughts!!
I feel like I might be SPOILING it for new racers. I suggest you exit from here if you don't want to be spoiled.
1. Customization
I understand that this is a beta and so customization was very limited but with what was available they were all awesome.
I am wondering if they are just for the look and it doesn't truly have any impact gameplay-wise...
2. Karts
From how I remembered...
Item Karts had its specialties such as special items only available when using that specific kart. But it didn't matter in the BETA. I hope this gets changed in the official launch
There should be more color options for the karts/characters. I would like to change Bazzi from Red to Blue instead.
I wasn't sure when changing the wheels if it made any difference. I think it's customizations/skins only. It didn't made any impact game-play wise unless you care about the look.
Other than that I don't see all the kart series such as Saber Series...
I noticed there was Cotton, Solid, Plasma, and Burst. I hope the rest of the series make a come back.
I really like how you added the kart's rating such as speed, boost, and drift.
There's also one more thing missing but I am sure the Game devs know what I am talking about and those who have played classic Kart Rider will understand.
3. Game Modes
Speed Mode
It was awesome to drift and collect the boosts but when on Team Speed mode I was not able to see how many boosts my team had. I am wondering if this is a bug?
I love the new boost meters and how it is generated. It's a nice touch.
Item Mode
When on Team Item mode I noticed that it showed my team an item I didn't have... A bug?
For example:
I didn't have the cloud item on me but it showed that I did.
Also, I felt that I wasn't getting the items I should be getting frequently based on what place I was in... (1st 2nd etc) so when I was in 4th or last place I wasn't getting items that were useful to catch up such as rockets or boosting items. I kept getting mostly bananas. What are bananas going to do for me when I am in dead last place?
Story Mode
Please. I really like the story mode. I never got to complete it. I remember that it was a solo mode only and it would be great to see it being a group mode where friends can come join you. A team effort Story Mode.
Other Game Modes
One of them that I can remember was Capture the Flag.
I think there were other modes too but I hope this classic mode comes back.
4. Custom Race
I wish it was how I remembered it where you create the room and have others come join you. (Others as it fellow racers not just friends on your Friend List)
I kept getting the same maps on both game modes and I never got to play on other maps.
Here is the thing...
Some racers like to race on the same map over and over again and also to race with the same racers too. If the devs know what I am talking about from the classic Kart Rider... Please bring that style back. It worked perfectly... Why are you changing it?
If you don't know what I mean let me briefly explain.
When you create a room you are the "LEADER".
You get to select the map, game mode, racer A is on team (whichever color) and select your characters/kart (customize yourself) while in the room. In this new style it's just EXTRA steps you have to take which is BS. Although I do love the PRE-Selected/Saved options. Up to 4 for now but I think this number needs to grow eventually.
Please bring back the Game room from the classic Kart Rider.
Speaking of maps are we going to see more themed-maps? One of my favorites was the factory and pirate-themed maps.
5. Level Up
What happened to the hand?
I loved how there were different colors that represented what level you were and based on the fingers you had it would represent the tier you were.
For example:
Yellow Hand 5 was the starting level and when you leveled up you would be Yellow Hand 4 and until it reached Hand 1 you then go up to the next which I think it was Green Hand 5 and so on.
5.1 Licenses
Is it gone or not there for the beta?
Leveling had meanings such as based on the level of license you had it determined the maps you got to play on speed mode. Also, those tests were extremely fun to take even though it can get quite stressful. It's fun stress if you know what I mean.
With what we have now I have no idea how leveling up has any impact.
6. Garage/Shop
No Balloons? goggles? etc...
No Lucci? In-Game currency. My thoughts were that it wasn't there because this is a BETA.
7. Social
You can't chat in the game?!
Chat as in messaging. Besides that why is there no Friend List on the Nexon Launcher? Also being able to chat within the Nexon Launcher would be great.
8. Lag
It wasn't super laggy but I did notice some racers popping out of nowhere and bumped me right out of the track.
Not sure if they were hacking the game or if it was due to lag.
Please get that fixed.
8.1 Bugs
Some of the maps where you drove off a cliff it was very buggy. I landed on the road but the game thought I landed off-road.
Until all these changes happen my first thought of the game right now is that it is very dull and boring.
As much as I am thankful to you Nexon for inviting me to the Closed Beta I am not feeling the classic Kart Rider feeling.
Take my feedback and come back with a 2nd beta testing? Maybe?
Thank you for reading and I hope to see you at the track.
I will be enjoying the Beta until it ends on Sunday, December 8th.
Thanks again.
I was excited to see the changes and here are my feedback/thoughts!!
I feel like I might be SPOILING it for new racers. I suggest you exit from here if you don't want to be spoiled.
1. Customization
I understand that this is a beta and so customization was very limited but with what was available they were all awesome.
I am wondering if they are just for the look and it doesn't truly have any impact gameplay-wise...
2. Karts
From how I remembered...
Item Karts had its specialties such as special items only available when using that specific kart. But it didn't matter in the BETA. I hope this gets changed in the official launch
There should be more color options for the karts/characters. I would like to change Bazzi from Red to Blue instead.
I wasn't sure when changing the wheels if it made any difference. I think it's customizations/skins only. It didn't made any impact game-play wise unless you care about the look.
Other than that I don't see all the kart series such as Saber Series...
I noticed there was Cotton, Solid, Plasma, and Burst. I hope the rest of the series make a come back.
I really like how you added the kart's rating such as speed, boost, and drift.
There's also one more thing missing but I am sure the Game devs know what I am talking about and those who have played classic Kart Rider will understand.
3. Game Modes
Speed Mode
It was awesome to drift and collect the boosts but when on Team Speed mode I was not able to see how many boosts my team had. I am wondering if this is a bug?
I love the new boost meters and how it is generated. It's a nice touch.
Item Mode
When on Team Item mode I noticed that it showed my team an item I didn't have... A bug?
For example:
I didn't have the cloud item on me but it showed that I did.
Also, I felt that I wasn't getting the items I should be getting frequently based on what place I was in... (1st 2nd etc) so when I was in 4th or last place I wasn't getting items that were useful to catch up such as rockets or boosting items. I kept getting mostly bananas. What are bananas going to do for me when I am in dead last place?
Story Mode
Please. I really like the story mode. I never got to complete it. I remember that it was a solo mode only and it would be great to see it being a group mode where friends can come join you. A team effort Story Mode.
Other Game Modes
One of them that I can remember was Capture the Flag.
I think there were other modes too but I hope this classic mode comes back.
4. Custom Race
I wish it was how I remembered it where you create the room and have others come join you. (Others as it fellow racers not just friends on your Friend List)
I kept getting the same maps on both game modes and I never got to play on other maps.
Here is the thing...
Some racers like to race on the same map over and over again and also to race with the same racers too. If the devs know what I am talking about from the classic Kart Rider... Please bring that style back. It worked perfectly... Why are you changing it?
If you don't know what I mean let me briefly explain.
When you create a room you are the "LEADER".
You get to select the map, game mode, racer A is on team (whichever color) and select your characters/kart (customize yourself) while in the room. In this new style it's just EXTRA steps you have to take which is BS. Although I do love the PRE-Selected/Saved options. Up to 4 for now but I think this number needs to grow eventually.
Please bring back the Game room from the classic Kart Rider.
Speaking of maps are we going to see more themed-maps? One of my favorites was the factory and pirate-themed maps.
5. Level Up
What happened to the hand?
I loved how there were different colors that represented what level you were and based on the fingers you had it would represent the tier you were.
For example:
Yellow Hand 5 was the starting level and when you leveled up you would be Yellow Hand 4 and until it reached Hand 1 you then go up to the next which I think it was Green Hand 5 and so on.
5.1 Licenses
Is it gone or not there for the beta?
Leveling had meanings such as based on the level of license you had it determined the maps you got to play on speed mode. Also, those tests were extremely fun to take even though it can get quite stressful. It's fun stress if you know what I mean.
With what we have now I have no idea how leveling up has any impact.
6. Garage/Shop
No Balloons? goggles? etc...
No Lucci? In-Game currency. My thoughts were that it wasn't there because this is a BETA.
7. Social
You can't chat in the game?!
Chat as in messaging. Besides that why is there no Friend List on the Nexon Launcher? Also being able to chat within the Nexon Launcher would be great.
8. Lag
It wasn't super laggy but I did notice some racers popping out of nowhere and bumped me right out of the track.
Not sure if they were hacking the game or if it was due to lag.
Please get that fixed.
8.1 Bugs
Some of the maps where you drove off a cliff it was very buggy. I landed on the road but the game thought I landed off-road.
Until all these changes happen my first thought of the game right now is that it is very dull and boring.
As much as I am thankful to you Nexon for inviting me to the Closed Beta I am not feeling the classic Kart Rider feeling.
Take my feedback and come back with a 2nd beta testing? Maybe?
Thank you for reading and I hope to see you at the track.
I will be enjoying the Beta until it ends on Sunday, December 8th.
Thanks again.
Since I'm completely new to KartRider, this BETA loads up for the first time to me as a strange game with strange menus and no real clear direction for players to do/complete... just race online over and over and over again?... that seems strange vs. all the other kart series: Crash Team Racing, Sonic Racing & Mario Kart series.
I think the main goal with this game from the developers viewpoint is to get people paying $ little by little over and over again for kart customisation items. I'm not sure the gameplay is addictive/enjoyable enough for that though. Not sure they'll make much money from Western countries which have lower online addiction percentage rates vs. Asian countries.
This was a childhood game.
It's not like how it used to be.
You wouldn't think the way you are thinking now if you had the chance to experience the classic Kart Rider.
It was super addicting and I am hoping they can bring that to the NA market.
Since this is a beta you have to have low expectation I suppose.
I do love the beautiful graphics upgrades.
I also did play other Kart games but Kart Rider was my most favorite of all times.
They have A LOT of work to do.
4. Custom Race idea is a must
I had another look on Day 2 of the BETA.
After looking at it closely I wanted to readdress some of the feedback I have made so far...
I may have mentioned some of them already but it just bugs me and I know how much Nexon wants feedback so here goes!!
It looks like I wasn't looking at it carefully enough.
There is a points system when playing TEAM matches. It is just presented after the ceremony... I really miss the classic version where it would show the points ticking and then the ceremony. The element of which team will win? I miss that.
Now it is just this team wins. Do you know what I mean?
I hate this lobby music. It's not catchy enough and honestly, it makes me fall asleep.
Bring back the classic Kart Rider lobby music.
I really hope you bring back all of the features that was UNIQUE to classic Kart Rider.
Stop trying to copy other kart games. You are better than that.
The problems I can't stop talking about...
The stability of the game.
Too much lag and I know I have a great internet connection.
Seeing other players float all over the place. One second they are behind me and the next they are far ahead of me?! What?!!
Categorize the different themed maps would be great.
It is so hard to tell who is on my team. Make it more obvious please.
Please get this fixed before the official launch. The gameplay is just very choppy and disgusting to even bother to play the game.
I absolutely LOVE the graphical upgrades. It is extremely FANTASTIC!
I almost feel like I don't want to race and just admire the beautiful artworks.
Upgraded Emotes are adorable!
More feedbacks to come!
Thanks for reading.