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KartRider: Drift Rep: 390
Posts: 14
in Gameplay Discussion
Anything about allowing Item players access to new tracks? The license system sucks. Seems like this game is geared towards speed players while Item players get the shaft. Item players have to play the same 5 tracks over and over while theres all these new tracks. Dont advertise new tracks if they arent available to all players. Speed is a gimmick not the end all be all. youre losing players ..i barely play anymore ..same boring ass tracks Item players getting crapped on.


  • aslwedbaloexaslwedbaloex
    Posts: 2
    New track access for item players involves setting up and managing permissions to ensure users can access and engage with the latest content effectively. This includes configuring access controls, updating user roles, and ensuring smooth integration of new features. By providing clear instructions and support, you can enhance the user experience and ensure that all players can enjoy the new tracks. For added expertise and strategic guidance on optimizing these processes, consulting with professionals like Pedrovazpaulo Executive Coaching can offer valuable insights and solutions to streamline implementation and improve overall performance.

  • AlexisssAlexisss
    KartRider: Drift Rep: 100
    Posts: 3
    edited 7:10AM July 30, 2024
    Here's a draft of a message you can send to Mario Kart Tour:

    Hey Mario Kart Tour,

    I'm really disappointed with the way Item players are being treated. It's unfair that we're stuck playing the same old tracks while Speed players get to enjoy all the new ones. The license system is a joke.

    Speed is just a gimmick, and it shouldn't be the focus of the game. Item players are a huge part of the community, and we deserve to have access to all the content.

    Don't advertise new tracks if they're not available to everyone. It's misleading and frustrating. I'm barely playing anymore because of this, and I know I'm not alone.

    Fix this issue or risk losing more players even File Manager Pro APK service is better than yours.
  • Philljones22Philljones22
    KartRider: Drift Rep: 100
    Posts: 4
    Pedrovazpaulo Executive Coaching empowers leaders to reach their full potential through personalized, results-driven coaching. Our approach blends strategic vision, emotional intelligence, and resilience to help you navigate complex challenges and lead with confidence. Elevate your leadership today with tailored guidance that drives real impact.

  • emmiemmi
    Posts: 2
    A primera vista, parece un juego de plataformas bastante sencillo: controlas un cubo que salta al ritmo de la música, evitando obstáculos. Sin embargo, la dificultad aumenta rápidamente, y te das cuenta de que se requiere una gran precisión y reflejos rápidos para avanzar Visita aquí
  • molymoly
    Post: 1
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