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Dev blog - Multi Platform Gaming questions

KartRider: Drift Rep: 1,255
Posts: 63
edited 12:16AM May 27, 2022 in Gameplay Discussion
I just read the new dev blog which says that KR drift is comming to mobiles as well.

What should I imagine how this will work...?
It doesn't make any sense if you need minimum system specs for pc and on the other hand being able to play on a mobile phone.
Will KR be a off-platform streamed game?

Will KR drift loose some of it's fun in gaming because cutting the gameplay to fit mobiles?
KR Rush was crap compared to NAKR/Popkart!
(I don't care about speed mode at all)
Don't do so again...

How will the controls work on a mobile and how will you make sure that no platform will have advantages/disadvantages because of that?

Have you thought about lags while gamers are on the go with their mobiles?
