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Game will die quickly in its current state Beta2

KartRider: Drift Rep: 225
Posts: 4
I love Kart rider and was excited to discover they made a new release world wide. Here are my thoughts.
1. Racing is fun but I feel no point to it. Most of the time its difficult to catch up if you fall behind on speed mode.
2. In Beta 2 I cant cancel a search so once I hit find match I have to be committed.
3. Cant do singles with a party. I don't always want to be nice to my friends. Sometimes I want to stomp them out and hit them with missiles.
4. Local custom matches should be a thing so we can party with friends only and not be faced against the guy who plays this 25 hours a day.
5. Matches are short and even worse is that if you fall behind and someone finishes first, it doesn't even let you finish. Could use more laps or larger maps.
6. When playing teams you should not have a red guy on the blue team. They should change the color of all the characters to be easier to tell.
7. Team matches we should not be able to aim a missile at an ally.
8. Collision is just bad. Sometimes I ram another person at top speed when they are stopped. Nothing happens to them. Only I come to a complete stop and they don't move. Once you collide on a wall its difficult to get back on track.
9. Should have an option to continue to auto queue to next match or have a single match consist of 2-3 maps. I seem to spend 2 minutes in lobby, 2 minutes loading the map, 2 minutes racing followed by 2 minutes watching end of race content and then you start over. Total is 6 minutes of non racing and 2 minutes of racing.
1. Racing is fun but I feel no point to it. Most of the time its difficult to catch up if you fall behind on speed mode.
2. In Beta 2 I cant cancel a search so once I hit find match I have to be committed.
3. Cant do singles with a party. I don't always want to be nice to my friends. Sometimes I want to stomp them out and hit them with missiles.
4. Local custom matches should be a thing so we can party with friends only and not be faced against the guy who plays this 25 hours a day.
5. Matches are short and even worse is that if you fall behind and someone finishes first, it doesn't even let you finish. Could use more laps or larger maps.
6. When playing teams you should not have a red guy on the blue team. They should change the color of all the characters to be easier to tell.
7. Team matches we should not be able to aim a missile at an ally.
8. Collision is just bad. Sometimes I ram another person at top speed when they are stopped. Nothing happens to them. Only I come to a complete stop and they don't move. Once you collide on a wall its difficult to get back on track.
9. Should have an option to continue to auto queue to next match or have a single match consist of 2-3 maps. I seem to spend 2 minutes in lobby, 2 minutes loading the map, 2 minutes racing followed by 2 minutes watching end of race content and then you start over. Total is 6 minutes of non racing and 2 minutes of racing.

2. I'm glad I was not the only one...
3. A room would help... But not a thing in Drift...
4. 3.
5. There are bigger maps. Just not in the game yet. Again 1.
6. Yeah I agree. Should highlight much bolder to tell which team they are on.
7. What?! A bug probably. Are you sure it was a team match?
8. I guess they have not fixed it from Closed Beta 1... I sort of notice this too...
9. I think in Classic they had a set up where you race a set amount of rounds. I hope it comes to Drift.
Loading screen are too slow for my taste and in general, the game lost the original DNA (competitive and arcade fun). Also, the lobby is too minimalist, boring, without something that give me a reason for keep playing for hours and hours.
This feels like, just a game for console with nothing to bring to hardcore players. I don't know, im playing a lot of kartRider Rush+, i did play the old KartRider, and i really believe this version is not even close of the fun i had in those games.
I know, this is close beta, but come on, even Maplestory or games like Valorant in close beta was much much better than this.
I hope the community get a KartRider game that they deserve.
Nexon please, improve this.
I don't know if this is something Nexon can actually fix, because it's dependent on the load time of the person with the slowest computer in the room, kinda like league of legends from what I remember. When I play singleplayer the load screen is a matter of seconds.
yup but... the race shouldn't start until all players are connected, and a lot of times. the race starts before that i connect, so idk, for me the game just doesnt work well