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Season 2 - anything better?

KartRider: Drift Rep: 1,255
Posts: 63
edited 12:27AM May 14, 2023 in Gameplay Discussion
We got a new mode called "endless turbo mode".
What's the clue here? I tried it once and will never do it again. Why? It's speed mode for lazy or new speed mode racers.
Especially on mobiles unplayable because of not being able to steer and use the turbo at the same time (lack of real keys).
I even don't like normal speed mode where it's all about gaining and using turbo to win.

You should try to test a speed mode without turbo at all! There it will come to wise racing and drifting to get fast laps...

In GP (item) mode you should deactivate the balloons (it's a pay to win situation).

Generally there shouldn't exist the option to buy them (pay to win). They do have a use in item to get an advantage but place them as reward items, only...

The emojis are still absolutely useless if you're keeping the closed custom races... Make them open to join!

Don't forget to update item mode with new tracks as well!!!

Finally I have some positive feedback...
In team modes the water bubbles have the team color
We can see who hit us, now.
But you should go back to the roots and allow friendly fire at all weapons (wise using necessary)...



  • Blaues_DingBlaues_Ding
    KartRider: Drift Rep: 1,255
    Posts: 63
    Steering is feeling better on my mobile.
    Any changes on that?
  • Blaues_DingBlaues_Ding
    KartRider: Drift Rep: 1,255
    Posts: 63
    edited 10:35AM May 21, 2023
    Some item mode updates are still on my bucket list

    Please fix the "no friendly fire" problem...
    It's really bad if you're in front of 2, 3 or 4 of the enemy team members. Each water bee will hit you. Give the original version a new chance and let it hit the kart just in front of you.
    Make team mode to need wise decisions again!

    Rockets often miss the target. In the original game it was way easier because it was fireing just straight forwards (I could see when it was in the right position to hit)...

    Bananas should have some attention, too.
    If I hit a banana I often end up with 90° or more off the track direction. There's no difference if I'm steering or not.

    1st rocket, devil and cloud are still usefull but missing.

    Aktivate the short invincibility after getting hit, again.

    When I'm attaced by an ufo and instantly afterwards by a rocket or bee a shield aktivated after bee sound appears won't work at all...

    And finally please turn off the adjusting thing. that's causing that mostly all racers are arriving within 2 or 3 seconds.

  • TheHeavieKiwieTheHeavieKiwie
    KartRider: Drift Rep: 770
    Posts: 51
    Steering is feeling better on my mobile.
    Any changes on that?

    Yeah I felt like something was changed. Even the drifting as well. We won't get instant boost doing cut drift much this season.
  • DavidskDavidsk
    KartRider: Drift Rep: 300
    Posts: 2
    edited 7:58PM July 10, 2023
    We got a new mode called "endless turbo mode".
    What's the clue here? I tried it once and will never do it again. Why? It's speed mode for lazy or new speed mode racers.
    Especially on mobiles unplayable because of not being able to steer and use the turbo at the same time (lack of real keys).
    I even don't like normal speed mode where it's all about gaining and using turbo to win.

    You should try to test a speed mode without turbo at all! There it will come to wise racing and drifting to get fast laps...

    In GP (item) mode you should deactivate the balloons (it's a pay to win situation).

    Generally there shouldn't exist the option to buy them (pay to win). They do have a use in item to get an advantage but place them as reward items, only...

    The emojis are still absolutely useless if you're keeping the closed custom races... Make them open to join!

    Don't forget to update item mode here with new tracks as well!!!

    Finally I have some positive feedback...
    In team modes the water bubbles have the team color
    We can see who hit us, now.
    But you should go back to the roots and allow friendly fire at all weapons (wise using necessary)...

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts and feedback about the new "endless turbo mode." It sounds like you didn't have the best experience with it. It can be frustrating when a mode feels more geared towards inexperienced or casual players, especially if it affects gameplay on mobile devices due to the lack of real keys for steering and turbo usage simultaneously. I understand that you prefer a speed mode that focuses on skillful racing and drifting rather than relying heavily on turbo boosts.

    Regarding the GP (item) mode, you mentioned that the balloons create a pay-to-win situation. It's definitely important to consider fair gameplay, and I agree that the option to buy items shouldn't give players an unfair advantage. Perhaps a better approach would be to offer balloons as rewards within the game rather than making them available for purchase.

    You also mentioned that closed custom races restrict the use of emojis. It would be great to have more openness in custom races, allowing players to use emojis freely. That way, it enhances the overall experience and interaction among participants.